Squash & bicuit

SQUASH & BISCUIT - Lavender Eggplant



Release Date

Catalog Number


             April 8th, 2022


Lavender Eggplant《绛仙》is the debut album from Squash & Biscuit - Shuwen Zhao and Brian Griffith- an experimental duo based in Los Angeles. Constructed as a series of intimate moments, each track uses familiar sounds collected in a unique way: manipulated vocals, field recordings, close-mic’d objects, and synthesized instruments form familiar memories of a parallel life. Recorded over the course of 2020–2021, each piece has been sculpted and shaped, plucked from a series of long-form performances, then massaged into gestures.


Mixed by Shuwen Zhao and Brian Girffith

Mastered by Daniel Eaton at Little Castle Mastering

Cover Artwork by Chusu Kim

Additional Chinese Titles by Moham Wang

Layout by Brian Griffith